Türkiye'de Resmi Tatiller

January 01TUESDAY - ONE DAY New YearPassed
April 23TUESDAY - ONE DAYNational Sovereignty and Children's DayCelebrates the creation of the Turkish Parliament and highlights the importance of children in the country's developement.
May 01WEDNESDAY - ONE DAYLabour DayLife and solidarity day
May 19SUNDAY - ONE DAYCommemoration of Ataturk, Youth and Sports Day
June 4TUESDAY - HALF DAYRamadan Feast Eve
June 5WEDNESDAY - FIRST DAYRamadan FeastDate varies on Lunar cycle
June 6THURSDAY - THE SECOND DAYRamadan FeastDate varies on Lunar cycle
June 7FRIDAY - THE THIRD DAYRamadan FeastDate varies on Lunar cycle
June 15MONDAY - ONE DAYDemocracy and National Unity Day
August 10SATURDAY - HALF DAY Feast of Sacrifice Eve
August 11SUNDAY - THE FIRST DAYFeast of Sacrifice
August 12MONDAY - THE SECOND DAYFeast of Sacrifice
August 13TUESDAY - THE THIRD DAYFeast of Sacrifice
August 14WEDNESDAY - THE FOURTH DAYFeast of Sacrifice
August 30FRIDAY - ONE DAYVictory DayCommemorates a key victory in the Turkish War of Independence in 1922
October 29TUESDAY - ONE DAYRebublic Day